
(English follows Japanese)

皆さま、ピンフィッティングスタジオ新宿店 オザキです。


重量を変えることによって、自分自身の結果がどう変わるのか? 今回、これを検証します。
使用クラブ   :G425MAXドライバー ロフト10.5°
使用シャフト  :Fujikura Speeder NX
シャフトスペック:40S, 50S, 60S, 70S


    初速   打出角度   スピン量   高さ  キャリー  トータル飛距離
40S  60.1m/s   11.4°    2760rpm   21.2y  210y    237y
50S  60.5m/s   10.3°    3061rpm   20.6y  208y    235y
60S  60.7m/s   11.9°    2616rpm   22.0y  212y    240y
70S  60.1m/s   11.4°    2760rpm   21.2y  210y    237y





What is the most important to you to select a shaft for driver?

It can be the brand, flex, the latest shaft and maybe which pro uses, of course it all matters but I am going to write about the weight of the shaft.

This is Yuji Ozaki from PING Fitting Studio SHINJUKU!!

In our fitting, the weight of the shaft affects on ball speed and apex.

We recommend the heaviest shaft you can swing with because the shaft gives you more ball speed and stable trajectory.  I hit some shots with 40g-70g of Fujikura’s Speeder NX Stiff.  I used G425 MAX 10.5°.

I use 60g for my driver, however, 40S did not feel too light but little bit unstable compares to 60S.  50S and 60S felt almost the same and 70S was little too heavy.

Results for each shaft(average of 4-5 shots)                                        

   ball speed    L/angle        Spin rate         Height    Carry    Total distance
40S  60.1m/s   11.4°    2760rpm   21.2y    210y    237y
50S  60.5m/s   10.3°    3061rpm   20.6y    208y    235y
60S  60.7m/s   11.9°    2616rpm   22.0y    212y    240y
70S  60.1m/s   11.4°    2760rpm   21.2y    210y    237y


I had different feelings for each shaft but surprisingly total distance for each shaft were almost the same.

You will be able to try variety of shafts with different weight at Shinjuku Studio.

Find the most suited shaft for you and play your best!!!!

